Stand P8


‘Point of Few’ brings together the work of artists Jari Genser, Dunja Krcek and Nayeun Park, whose practices investigate the interplay between space, location and time.


Jari Genser has created a series of oils that show the previous painting within them, building a seemingly endless iteration of spaces within spaces and pictures within pictures. In contrast, Dunja Krcek conveys a site without depicting it directly, as seen in her sewn-together fabrics that are dyed with pigments obtained from the forest location that the artwork evokes. Nayeun Park creates everyday objects that have been distorted to symbolise the uprooting of a person through migration in a globalised world, which relates to the artist’s own life, having grown up in two different countries.


Each of these artists address different aspects of spatiality – examining both its creation and its deformation – as their primary point of departure. ‘Point of Few’, as its title suggests, is an exhibition that explores transformations of reality, asking which distortions and reinventions might still remain valid for each one of us.